
Have you ever wanted to change yourself?

If yes, how many times have you ever done?

It’s right off bat to get on my trip.

I remembered my elementary school’s classmates.

Everybody have grown up but I still feel beening like behavior. 

Do you know family’s background traits?

They means what your background your family have you also have the samilar one.

Also, I remembered my MS buddies and senior high school’s classmates.

Everybody changed faster and faster.

Marriage, aborad, and good works.

To struggle their life, it seems to be.

Sometimes I think this trip it’s useless or not.

I have ever thought seriously more and more.

However, all of what I thought are too much.

When arriving there, I will find what the ture is.

If I don’t change now, when can I do?

Do you agree me?

Give me some comments including my English grammar.

Thank you.

About Ku's Blog

I am from Taiwan and work in China. Love to travel in the Pacific Asia. Want to go around the world.
本篇發表於 雜記。將永久鏈結加入書籤。

1 Responses to Change.

  1. Caleb 說道:

    haha, your grammer is fine…in a way > <It is very easy to tell that you’re still using the way we speak in chinese then transform into English writing!But I think during this special year of living on your own will definately accelerate your English study; take care and good luck, I believe we change all the time, but the virtue such as integrity should never change whenever and whereever we are!Go Go Gu =)
